Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Novena of Saint Francis of Assisi, day four

Francis and the sacredness of life 
Let all creatures praise the Lord – and let us respect all of them. 

Visiting Assisi in 2018, I came across this statue at the exit from the friary at Our Lady of the Angels. Francis sees the glory of God in a locust and treats the creature with respect.
Today I came across this quote in Jack Wintz, ofm, Lights Along My Path, A Friar's Journey in the Footsteps of St. Francis:
“Where the modern cynic sees something ‘buglike’ in everything that exists,” observed the German writer– philosopher Max Scheler, “St. Francis saw even in a bug the sacredness of life.”
Here's one that visited my home during Holy Week, 2017:


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