As the year comes to a close, I’m looking back at what this
year has brought, what I have been doing, and what has influenced me in my life
and ministry. One area I’m looking at is my reading habits.
This year I have not read as much as in previous years, but
there have been and are a few books that have really touched me or helped me in
my ministry.
Currently I am
reading Bishop Shawn McKnight’s work on the diaconate, Understanding the
Diaconate: Historical, Theological, and Sociological Foundations. It is scholarly
and accessible and it’s helping me look at my diaconate in a deeper way.
Earlier this year I
read several other works on the diaconate, but the one that struck me was Michael J. Tkacik’s Deacons and Vatican II: The
Making of a Servant Church. He placed the diaconate within the mission of
the Second Vatican Council.
For many years, I
have seen the importance of considering not just institutions and people in our
social and theological analysis, but also what St. Paul calls the” principalities
and powers of this world.” William Stringfellow opened my eyes to this
dimension of reality. Bill Wylie-Kellermann’s Principalities in Particular:
A Practical Theology of the Powers That Be, is an important work that tries
to make this analysis concrete, recognizing that “It is the spiritual dimension
that must needs be unmasked, seen, and recognized if the principalities are to
be fully engaged.”
With the
canonization of Monseñor Oscar Romero this past October there have been
numerous new books on his life and thought. I have two on my “to read” list,
but the one new book that really impressed me was Michael E. Lee’s Revolutionary Saint: The
Theological Legacy of Oscar Romero. This book examines Romero in terms of
spirituality and theology and in the political, social, and ecclesiastical context
of El Salvador in Romero’s. It’s one of the best analyses I’ve read, partly
because I myself see Romero in a similar way. For the author a central question
is: “How might Christians think and live differently because of Óscar Romero?”
There are several
other books that I found helpful.
In trying to deepen
and expand my way of reading the scripture, I have found the work of walter
Brueggemann very helpful. This year I read A Gospel of Hope, which has
selections from his writings and sermons.
For me peacemaking
has been a central concern since my high school days, during the VietNam War.
This year I found a twenty-year-old
book helpful: The Ministry of Reconciliation: Spirituality and Strategies by Robert Schreiter, C.PP.S.
There are so many works on spirituality and I am continually
nurtured by reading Thomas merton. This year, though, these two books nourished
by spirit: Ronald Rolheiser’s Wrestling
with God: Finding Hope and Meaning in Our Daily Struggles to Be Human and
Paul Quenon’s In
Praise of the Useless Life: a monk’s memoir.
In terms of pastoral
ministry, I found little to compare to Gaudete et Exsultate, the apostolic
exhortation of Pope Francis. It is, in my mind and heart, a masterpiece.
Another work that opens up the pastoral theology of Pope Francis is Andrea
Riccardi’s To the Margins: Pope Francis and the Mission of the Church.
And what might I read in 2019?
As often is the
case, I am in the middle of several books which I hope to finish by the end of
January. They include
José Antonio
Pagola, Jesús: Aproximación
Michael F. Steltenkamp,
Nicholas Black Elk: Medicine Man, Missionary, Mystic
Bishop Shawn McKnight,
Understanding the Diaconate:
Historical, Theological, and Sociological Foundations.
Dana Frank’s The
Long Honduran Night:
Donal Door’s Option
for the Poor and the Earth
There are a good number of books I hope to read but
especially these:
Yves Congar’s Power
and Poverty in the Church
Terence C. Wright’s
Dorothy Day
Jean Vanier,
Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus
Thomas Merton,
A Course in Christian Mysticism
Marie Dennis, ed.,
Choosing Peace: The Catholic Church Returns to Gospel Nonviolence
Rafael Luciani, Pope
Francis and the Theology of the People
Edgardo Colón-Emeric,
Óscar Romero’s Theological Vision: Liberation and the Transfiguration of the
I will also be looking at reading essays by Hannah
Arendt, Wendell Berry, and others.
There are at least three books in Spanish, related to
Honduras, that I want to read.
Ramón Amaya
Amador, Prisíon Verde, a novel situated in the great sugar workers
strike of the 1950s in Honduras
Adalid Martínez
Perdomo, Fausto Milla: un sacerdote
Leopoldo Serrano López,
La Vidita: relatos de la vida de Padre Beto y pensamientos sobre la vida.
If I can get a copy, I’d also like to read two new books on
the diaconate in Spanish:
Enzo Petrolino, El diaconado en el pensamiento del Papa Francisco
Victor Loaiza, Diácono, el servidor de todos.
Ministerio eclesiástico de la Iglesia
I will also try to read a few books just for fun – mostly novels
(especially suspense novels.)
Any suggestions for reading, of any kind, are most welcome.