Sunday, March 12, 2023


So far, I’ve had two chemotherapy sessions to treat my prostate cancer. 

Both sessions have been long, almost eleven hours each. My oncologist explained that this is to diminish possible negative reactions.

I’ve had few reactions, none really serious.

The most difficult has been insomnia the night after the chemo. Both times I could not get to sleep. I don’t know if it was psychological, physiological (a reaction to the steroids), somatic (having slept a bit during the sessions), or a combination of these and other factors. But it only lasted one night. I could sleep on the drive back to Dulce Nombre.

But the most disconcerting has been the persistence of an awful taste in my mouth. 

At times, it’s metallic.

After the first session I had some sores in my mouth, but now the problem is with my taste buds. 

Eating has lost its attraction – though I am making sure I eat. In fact, yesterday, I made a really good lentil soup (which should last for several days). It smelled heavenly, though the taste was a bit off. 

Yet, every once in a while, the awful taste goes away. Yesterday, I had a few moments when my coffee was delectable.

I guess I need to savor such moments and remember them – in hope.

But, considering what others have experienced in chemo, I would say that I’ve been fortunate.


Phil said...

It could be worse if you said your preference in music had turned “metallic”. This chemo therapy is nasty, it is designed to change the chemistry of the body so that it does a search and destroy mission on unwanted cells, but obviously every cell is also affected. Not an easy road but far better than the alternative. Perhaps in a hundred years there will be something different, but for now these therapies have allowed us to live longer and to live meaningful extra years. So be strong, eat well, and know that in sharing these experiences you help others who may someday face the same choice. Abrazos

Deacon Don Weigel said...

John, it is interesting that everyone's chemo experience is different. I just went through 8 sessions of chemo last fall. I did not have your side effects, but I did have hearing loss, an increase in my tinnitus, some hair loss. But I GAINED weight during chemo. Go figure. I am out of chemo for over 2 months now, and I pray that your experience is tolerable and effective. God bless your ministry and give you good health!

John (Juancito) Donaghy said...

Don, my side effects are really minimal, so far. Mostly feeling weaker than normal.
My oncologist called for 10 to 12 sessions.I go see him next Monday after lab tests to see how things are going. Then another treatment in the week before Holy Week.
This really is a different Lent for me.