Friday, May 14, 2021

Learning from the catechists

This year, as the pandemic appears to be coming under a bit of control and we are able to have more meetings, I have tried to meet with the catechists in the parish. 

This is not as easy as it might appear. I am trying to meet with them in small groups, by sectors.

The parish has about fifty towns, villages, and hamlets; it is divided into four zones and eleven sectors. So far I have had nine meetings.

 I was meeting with the catechists in one of the sectors of the parish. As part of our discussion on the sacraments, I shared the advice of Pope Francis, “The sacraments are not rewards for the justified but are medicine for the sick.” 

One catechist, reflecting on this, noted that in the public schools the teachers give prizes for the students who do really well, as rewards. In our religious education, we should not be doing the same, she said. We should pay attention to all, especially those who are most in need. What a great insight. 

She realizes that our work with children in faith formation is not the same as classes in the schools.
catechists' training in 2017 in Delicias Concepción

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