Saturday, March 25, 2017

Joys in serving in the countryside

The rains have ended and the days are sunny and warm – even hot. Because the road is now dry, I can now use the back way into Plan Grande, past the cemetery, without worrying about getting stuck in the mud.

The evenings are still quite cool – great for sleeping.

Leaving my car up the hill was a pain – but it was really a blessing in disguise. I had a good number of opportunities to speak with people, including the guys working on paving the road here. I may have to make walks to different parts of the community a part of my schedule. (I do need to walk for my health.)

Today I went with Padre German for Mass in Debajiados – one of the remotest villages, but one that I enjoy visiting. I ended up preaching there. But I also had a chance to stop and take several photos of the view on the road to Debajiados, including this one.

Then I went to Oromilaca for a funeral. Padre German had called at 5:45 am to ask me if I’d take the funeral since he already had four Masses scheduled for today. Of course. I find funerals a wonderful way to serve as deacon. 

Here are photos of a tree I saw on the way back from Oromilaca.

Tomorrow I’m off for a Celebration of the Word with Communion in El Limón, where I’ll also lead the scrutinies for two catechumens. Then back to Plan Grande for an afternoon Mass. I still have to prepare my homily and I’m putting it off by writing this post.

Holy Week is coming and so I’m busy getting ready. I’ll be working with leaders from the communities next Tuesday to help them prepare celebrations in their villages. Padre German will have his usual several Masses on Palm Sunday, three Masses on Holy Thursday, one Easter Vigil in Dulce Nombre with about 40 baptisms, and four Masses on Easter Sunday.

I’m planning to be in Dulce Nombre for the Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, and Easter Vigil Masses. But I will be in Concepción for a Holy Thursday Celebration of the Word with Washing of the Feet and Communion. Good Friday I’m out to a village. I also plan on visiting at least one village each of the first three days of Holy Week, visiting the sick and maybe presiding at a Celebration of the Word with Communion.

In the next few days I’ll also be preparing the texts for our parish’s special Stations of the Cross on Friday, April 7.

I also may be working with Sister Pat, one of the Dubuque Franciscan sisters in Gracias, for an Alternatives to Violence Workshop in the prison in Gracias, Lempira, on April 3 and 4.

And then I’m off to two weeks in the US starting the Thursday after Easter.

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