Monday, March 20, 2017

In the rains - and more

The last few days we have had a lot for rain and it’s been a bit chilly. Sunday we had sun! But today it is cloudy, though the sun might peak through later.

We’ve had no water for several days here in Plan Grande. They are replacing the waterlines. Yesterday morning there was water for some folks for a short time, but they turned off the water since there was a broken pipe. After it was fixed, the water was turned on (from the tank up the hill) and we had water for a while.

They are paving the road here in Plan Grande and so there is no really good direct way to get to my house.

I can get here from Dulce Nombre by driving through a cow pasture.

From Candelaria it’s down to a ravine and then up and up and up. The hills are very steep. 

Wednesday, returning from a trip to Cucuyagua, I took that road. It had rained and so it was slippery. I started up one hill (seen above) and had to back down and use an alternative road.

The next day I had a meeting. After a whole night of rain, the road was very slippery. I gave a ride to a neighbor but as we went down the road, on an S curve, I felt the car fishtailing. But we got to the bottom of the ravine safely. Going up on the other side, at one point I thought we wouldn’t be able to go up. The car stalled and I started it again and, by the grace of God, we made it.

So, I’m now leaving my car with folks who live closer to the main road and walking home. That means that when I go to seek the car I have a ten-minute walk uphill!

The other night, the electricity went off in the whole region for several hours. But yesterday, the electricity was out from 7:05 am to 7:00 pm.

But that’s all part of life.

Thanks be to God there are also signs of hope.

A growing mango tree by my house.

Chorchas (orioles) pecking and singing at the kitchen window (and other windows of the house.)

Cows in a nearby pasture.

Celebration of the feast of Saint Joseph yesterday in San José Quebraditas.

Kids in Plan Grande  greeting me as I walk down the hill to the house.

And the promise of a paved road.

God is good.

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