Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sacraments galore in Dulce Nombre

Today we had a meeting of the parish council. I shared with them that there are about 600 young people preparing for confirmation. We’ll have the confirmations in five locations October 1 to 3.

But that is only the tip of the iceberg in the ministry of the parish of Dulce Nombre.

As I noted earlier this year, we had about 80 young people baptized at Easter.

What I didn’t know until I happened to look at the parish book of baptisms is that, between August 2013 and this month, there have been over 2,000 baptisms. Yes, that’s two thousand – and a lot of water.

I just finished the second series of workshops for catechists this week. There were 97 catechists in the four locations where we had the workshops.

Padre German continues to celebrate the Eucharist in the 47 villages at least once every two months. Last week he went to the village of Barbascales, a very remote village that had not had a Mass for 17 years.

So goes the ministry.

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