Monday, May 12, 2014

Plan Grande house drama - continued

Last week Padre German suggested that I consider building my house in a different location in Plan Grande. The location is beautiful, spacious, near coffee fields, and would allow a slightly larger house and a garage.

My first reaction was positive. But I began to think and pray about it a bit more. I also called someone in Plan Grande whom I trust. She didn’t want to say anything – but it was obvious that she would prefer me to continue to build on the church grounds.

I prayed over this a lot on Sunday.

At a certain moment things became much clearer for me.

The place near the coffee fields is beautiful but it is a short distance down the hill from the central road through the village. There are a few houses nearby by, but it is in a rather deserted place. It is a great place for a retreat house. But to get to the church I would have to climb the hill and then walk a few blocks to get there.

In contrast, the current site is very close to the church, as well as to the school and several houses. I would be more available to the community.

As I consider my mission here I see it as accompanying the people, being with them. The house down the hill would be great and could be used for workshops, etc. But to me it feels like a distancing from the community.

Where am I to be?

I think I’m called to be in the midst of all this. Maybe later I’ll need a retreat spot, but for now, I see myself being called to be in the midst of the people.

digging the foundations

1 comment:

  1. Always good to go with your instincts. Especially as so often in Honduras there is a hidden agenda - not necessarily a bad one - when people suddenly urge you to build here or adopt this plan. It makes it hard to assess the options.
