Bernardo playing with some kids in the kindergarten in Colonia Divina Providencia in Santa Rosa de Copán.
Kevin and Allyson moving rocks for the retaining wall for a futbol field on the parish ground in Dulce Nombre.
A music group in Las Delicias serenading us while we ate, with Bernardo joining in.
Padre Julio Galdámez encouraging the congregation at the Pentecost Vigil Mass in Dulce Nombre.
Children going up to greet Padre Efraín Romero during the Greeting of Peace in the town of Dolores on Pentecost.
Volunteer monitors in San Antonio, Dolores, Copán, weighing children as part of a program coordinated by Caritas of Santa Rosa de Copán and Catholic Relief Services.
Suyapa, a single mother of four, is a volunteer monitor in the AIN-C program coordinated by Caritas of Santa Rosa de Copán and Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Note the CRS logo on her hat.
House made out of bajareque (mud and sticks) in San Antonio, Dolores, Copán
Monseñor Luis Alfonso Santos, bishop of the diocese of Santa Rosa de Copán, gives a lesson on agricultural practices to the group visiting from St. Thomas.
Children going up to greet Padre Efraín Romero during the Greeting of Peace in the town of Dolores on Pentecost.
Volunteer monitors in San Antonio, Dolores, Copán, weighing children as part of a program coordinated by Caritas of Santa Rosa de Copán and Catholic Relief Services.
Suyapa, a single mother of four, is a volunteer monitor in the AIN-C program coordinated by Caritas of Santa Rosa de Copán and Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Note the CRS logo on her hat.
House made out of bajareque (mud and sticks) in San Antonio, Dolores, Copán
Monseñor Luis Alfonso Santos, bishop of the diocese of Santa Rosa de Copán, gives a lesson on agricultural practices to the group visiting from St. Thomas.
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