Friday, September 29, 2006

Yesterday, September 28, about 8000 people came to Santa Rosa de Copán in western Honduras in support of Monseñor Luis Santos. There was a meeting, a march, and finally a Mass at the cathedral. It is great to see the support he is receiving as well as the mobilization of the people in support of changes in Honduras.

The issues are many - but the one that has really touched a nerve is the presence of open pit mining in Honduras, the contamination that this has caused (even to the water supply of Santa Rosa de Copán), and the fact that the companies pay Honduras a pittance (about 1%).

There are also other issues, including deforestation and corruption. It is good that I'll be able to be there - in support of a real evangelical ministry - of Good News to the poor.

Gracias a Dios!

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