Thursday, April 14, 2016

Tragedies and signs of hope

There were two tragedies here last week.

An 18 year-old young man who often works for the parish in some construction crushed under a truck. His leg was amputated and he will be in the Santa Rosa hospital for a few months.

Last Sunday a mother in Dulce Nombre killed by her son. The family is poor. According to reports the son (about 20) said he killed her because she denied him a cell phone. Some speculate that he was drugged or drunk. Who knows?

Yesterday, in a Mass in a rural village, Padre German shared two stories that offer some hope, some light,  in the midst of these tragedies.

There is some speculation that the owner of truck was negligent in terms of upkeep of his vehicle. Despite this, the mother of the young man doesn’t want the man to suffer in jail.

Meeting with family members of the mother killed by her son, he expressed concern that vengeance might be taken against the son in jail and urged them to watch out for him. They agreed and one daughter said that such vengeance would be something that would shame the soul of her mother.

Such willingness to put aside vengeance and retribution is something that is not found all too often here. It is refreshing to hear this. I pray that this may grow.

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