Monday, February 01, 2016

Celebrating mercy and a centenary

Sunday, January 31, thousands of Catholics gathered in Santa Rosa de Copán to celebrate the opening of the Holy Door for the Year of Mercy in the cathedral as well as the hundredth year of the diocese.

The diocese of Santa Rosa de Copán was established on February 2, 1916, and includes the five southwestern departments of Honduras. The region is mountainous and includes some of the poorest municipalities in the country. The majority of the people live in small villages in the countryside and subsist on corn and beans – as well as the production of coffee in the mountains.

The celebrations started with a procession to the cathedral.

The Holy Door was blessed and opened by the bishop.

Mass followed with thousands receiving Communion.

After Mass, people flowed into the cathedral through the Holy Door.

May God bless the diocese with peace and a faith rooted in the Gospels and seeking to transform the world with the mercy of God.

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