Monday, December 21, 2015

Harvesting coffee

Today about 100 Dulce Nombre parishioners came out to harvest coffee on the parish finca. The  finca - coffee field - is two manzanas,  about 3 acres.

The harvest was abundant and the laborers were many.

The harvest was abundant and the laborers were many.

I was among then but I have no picture of me at work. I only picked about what they call a gallon - actually five gallons. Here's my bucket with picked coffee berries.

But you can see my truck full of coffee that we took to be de-pulped.

The workers were not paid but did receive a hearty lunch.

The morning yielded 305 "gallons" - about 1525 real gallons. I had to take someone to a doctor in the afternoon and don't yet know how much was harvested.

Despite all this, we didn't finish. More harvesting tomorrow. I won't be with them since I have to go to a regularly scheduled doctor's appointment in Santa Rosa - including early morning blood tests. I also have to get stuff ready for visitors on Wednesday.

It was great to be among the people. Coffee picking is hard work and some people are really good, Two guys I know picked four gallons in the morning. A few kids picked two gallons. But it was a community effort - which is a great way to prepare for Christmas.

More photos here.

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