Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Where's the medicine? part two

I am concerned about the lack of medicine for the poor. I can buy medicine but most people can't.

Tonight I came across a video:

The Honduras Solidarity Network noted the the 20% cuts in funding to the health system are International Monetary Fund mandates. They content that these mandates are intended to further weaken the system to pave the way for privatization. I have not studied this enough to vouch for this claim, but it sounds somewhat plausible.

They also note that the lack of medicines and medical supplies has been long standing. Part of the more recent lack of medicines stems in part from the IHSS embezzlement scandal noted in an earlier post.

There is a report, however, in Fides, that the government will give out medicines to hospitals and government clinics next week. It will be interesting to see if they arrive at the local clinic - and what medicines and in what quantities.


If the video doesn't load, you can find it here.

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