Sunday, June 07, 2015

Corpus Christi in Vertientes

Yesterday I went with twenty-four young people from the Dulce Nombre parish to the diocesan youth encounter. I will write about it later.

This morning I went to Vertientes, a village about 45 minutes from Plan Grande. Last month I suggested to Padre German that I could go two Sundays a month to bring Communion to villages where here is no Communion minister. He was very pleased with the suggestion.

Today is the feast of Corpus Christ, the Body and Blood of Christ.

When I got to Vertientes I was warmly greeted by several of the pastor workers who told me they had ten small altars erected for the procession after the Celebration of the Word with Communion.

The Celebration was simple and the musicians were pretty good. Not many people came to communion despite my reflection at the Celebration on the importance of frequent Communion.

The procession was simple and moving. We walked down the hill and then up again. 

I prayed at various altars for the sick, those who had died, the land, the pastoral workers and catechists, public authorities, community organizations, children, the base communities, church leaders – each time inviting the people to mention names. 

They were very responsive, speaking up and sharing names. One of the leaders, Edwin, was very helpful, making suggestions of themes to pray for.

We closed the procession in the church.

Afterwards I was invited to a simple – but really delicious meal. The family was poor. Although the front room had a cement floor, the other two rooms were dirt floors.

Several times I was touched by the presence of Christ in the Eucharist in the presence of the poor.

This is why I am here.

I feel blest by Christ in the poor.

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