Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Confirmations about to begin

This afternoon Bishop Darwin Andino begins the confirmations in the parish of Dulce Nombre de María, in Dulce Nombre de Copán

In the morning, after a short time in Caritas, I went to Plan Grande to check out the house. They are finishing the plastering of the walls as well as the placement of electric sockets. 

preparing the sockets 

view from the south
However, it looks as if the house won’t be finished until late November. I ordered the doors on Monday, but they won’t be finished for about six weeks. The wood has to dry – and it’s the rainy season.

As I approached the church, I saw a group of adults and young people cleaning and preparing the church for confirmation there tomorrow afternoon.

The young people were, for the most part, those who are going to be confirmed.

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