Monday, June 23, 2014

Travelling home

I don’t always travel well — especially on little sleep.

Sunday I got up at 4:45 to get to the 6 AM Corpus Christi procession in Concepción. 

After spending about an hour and a half with the get together of confirmation youth in Plan Grande, I headed home to get ready to take a 2:30 pm, bus to San Pedro Sula.

On the bus, I thought about a remark on a Facebook note I had made. Some one wished me a restful trip back home.

Where is home for me now?

In many ways, it’s Honduras. I feel at home here – and will soon have my own home in a rural village.

Iowa is like a second home, since I’ve visited there every year since I’ve been in Honduras. The Philadelphia area feels like a third home – since I grew up there and have cousins and a few friends there.

But I’m traveling to Iowa today. I was up at 4:00 AM today to get to the airport for a 7:05 AM flight to Miami. I’m writing this the flight to New Orleans where I’ll get another flight to Dallas-Forth Worth. The final leg to Des Moines will get me there about 10:30 pm (9:30 am Honduras time).

But I already miss home.

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