Monday, June 30, 2014

Heading home

Waiting for a plane to Miami in the Chicago airport for more than six hours, anxious to get home.

I do enjoy my visits to the US, because they offer a chance to visit with people I know and love.  

This visit ended up being rather special since I had the blessing to attend the Saturday ordination of three young men for the archdiocese of Dubuque, two of whom I know from my days as a campus minister.

I also attended the Mass to celebrate 150 years of the Dubuque Franciscans at Mount St. Francis and saw a good number of sisters whom I know.

Chapel at Mount St. Francis
In Ames, I saw a fair number of people – some by chance – and I renewed my Iowa driver’s license.

But I’m anxious to get home – to Honduras. There’s a lot of ministry to do – and I want to see how the house is going.

Honduras is my home. These visits to the US are not just chances to meet friends but also ways to share what the lives and ministry of the people I work with in Honduras.

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