Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas images from throughout the world

Last February when I went to Mass at the cathedral in Ravenna, I noticed a display of Christmas images from throughout the world.

I snapped photos of many of them – though I didn’t take the time to list where they were from.

They provide a glimpse of the way peoples throughout the world perceive the birth of Christ.

Tonight is the first night of the posadas, the religious processions in Latin America re-creating Joseph and Mary seeking shelter in Bethlehem. Tomorrow we begin to pray the O Antiphons at Evening Prayer.

May these images help us to see Christ Jesus coming to all God’s people throughout the world.

If you can identify what country an image comes from, let me know and I will put captions on the photo. 

All photos are covered by a Common Commons license and may be copied for non-commercial use with attribution.

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