Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The parable of the sower

On Monday, I went out with Padre German to Bañaderos, one of the most remote villages of the Dulce Nombre parish.

The catechists of the sector had gathered more than 80 children and young people from four of the five communities.

After Mass, there were presentations from several groups. One of the most enjoyable was the group from Bañaderos who dramatized the parable of the sower.

Photos, with paraphrases of parts of the parable (Mark 4:1-8) follow:

Jesus began to teach by the sea. So many people gathered that he got into a boat and sat down. He taught them in parables.

A sower went out to sow his seed.

Some seed fell on the path and the birds came and ate it up.

Other seed fell on rocky ground.

And when the sun rose, it was burnt up.

Some fell among thorns which grew up and choked it.

Some seed fell on rich soil and produced fruit.

The enthusiasm of the children and youth there was indeed a good fruit, the work of many devoted catechists. 

I hope and pray that we can continue to help make these children and young people open to living as signs of God’s presence in a poor and troubled  - yet beautiful - country.

More photos from the Mass and celebration can be found in this set on my Flickr site.

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