Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Organic agriculture workshop

Yesterday I went with some Caritas employees who work in a project in La Labor, Ocotepeque, to protect the Güisayote Natural Reserve which is a major watershed for Honduras, as well as El Salvador and Guatemala.

Earlier this year the donor, CORDAID of the Netherlands, added a component to encourage organic agriculture for those who live or work the land which is at the nucleus of the reserve. A young man with university training in agriculture is working with them.

This was one of several workshops Rafael has led and had twenty-three people from three different villages. What impressed me was the participation of a varied group of people – from some adolescents to older men and women. I think there were also more women than men present. One community, Llano Largo, couldn’t bring all the people involved in their project. It was great to see the enthusiasm of the participants.

This session was focused mostly on the use of micro-organisms for fertilizer, pesticides, and more.

Some photos follow. More can be found in this set on my Flickr site.

In a field in Pashapa

Rafael explaining how they would test soil for types of fungi 
Preparing a jar for the soil test 
Preparing the barrel for the wet mixture

Mashing garlic for the wet mixture

Adding vinegar
Taking notes 
Taking notes

Adding alcohol brought on a few laughs

The "salad" mixture (chile peppers, aromatic leaves, garlic, vinegar, alcohol)

Adding water

Preparing the dry mixture

The barrels set aside to ferment

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