Sunday, November 10, 2013

Confirmations in Dulce Nombre

Today Bishop Darwin Andino came to Dulce Nombre for 144 confirmations of youth and adults from all parts of the parish.

It was great to see so many people there – catechists I had worked with, some young people, and other people who knew me (though  I cannot remember their names.)

It was also a delight to see two catechists being confirmed as well as the daughter of the parish cook.

Photos follow.

Padre German Navarro and Monseñor Darwin Andino

Opening procession of the confirmation Mass

The light of Christ

Monseñor Andino confirming Erasmo, a catechist 

Confirmation candidates from El Limon

Ronal, artist and musician, before the mural he painted

More photos from the Confirmation Mass can be found here.

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