Friday, October 11, 2013

Back at St. Thomas Aquinas

Since the evening of October 2, I have been back in Ames, Iowa, where I served for twenty-four years at St. Thomas Aquinas church and Catholic Student Center.

Last year when I visited the church was closed due to an arson incident that left the building largely intact but uninhabitable because of the smoke and soot damage. 

It is now open, cleaned throughout, and with new lighting and a new sound system in the church.

Here are a few photos to share the beauty of the church.


Baptismal pool looking toward the altar
Baptismal pool looking toward the east entrance
the church  looking to the south

Fr. Jon celebrating the Thursday Night Liturgy
Fr. Richmond celebrating in the daily Mass chapel
Baptismal pool and altar from walkway
Statue of St. Thomas Aquinas
Prayer garden to the south of the church
Even more photos at my Flickr Set STA October 2013.

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