Saturday, September 21, 2013

World Day of Peace

Throughout the world, at the request of the United Nations, people are observing a Day of Peace.

The vision is expressed so well by a wall near the United Nations in New York City that cites the image of the peaceable kingdom in Isaiah 2.

But wars still rage and people still long for peace and justice. Violence plagues the streets of cities – most recently Chicago.

Here in Honduras, the violence continues in cities, towns and rural villages. This past week I have heard of two killings in the countryside. 

I have been thinking much of what we need to do to reveal deal with violence, but I will leave that to a later blog entry.

The Honduran bishops have asked that tomorrow be a day of prayer for the victims of violence.

Caritas National of Honduras has prepared videos and materials on transformation of conflict and has programs in several areas of the country (funded by Caritas Norway). The videos are in Spanish: La raíz de la violencia 1 is found here  and Propuesta de la Iglesia Católica here 

A prayer has been sent throughout the country. My free translation below is followed by the Spanish

Good and merciful Father, we ask you to give light and eternal rest to all those who have died, due to the violence on our country.
Console the families that mourn their loss: give them strength to endure their sorrow and suffering; give them courage to be builders of peace, harmony, justice, and reconciliation.
Illumine the minds and hearts of those who the lives of others as well as the minds and hearts of those who govern us so that they make assure and defend the beautiful gift of life.
May all of us, like Mary, know how to wipe away tears and console sorrows and may we commit ourselves as a people to build a new society that is just and fraternal, that promotes solidarity and respects life.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The original Spanish:

Padre bueno y misericordioso, te pedimos que concedas la luz y la paz eterna a todas las personas que han muerto a causa de la violencia en nuestro país. 
Consuela a sus familias que lloran su pérdida, dales fortaleza para sobrellevar el dolor y el sufrimiento, dales valentía para que sean constructoras de paz, concordia, justicia y reconciliación.  
Ilumina  la mente y el corazón de quienes  arrebatan  la vida y de quienes nos gobiernan para que aseguren y defiendan el hermoso don de la vida. 
Que todos, al igual que María sepamos enjugar lágrimas  y consolar tristezas y nos comprometamos como pueblo en la construcción de una sociedad, justa, fraterna, solidaria  y respetuosa de la vida. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.

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