Friday, January 05, 2007


This year is for me a time of major change. I turn 60 on June 1, but the major change is a new ministry, a new place to serve those most in need, to serve the Kingdom of God.

Honduras is beckoning me and I am slowly preparing - selling stuff, giving away stuff, making assessments of what I need and don't need, preparing for leaving St. Thomas after more than 23 years ministry.

But more than anything I feel this as a real calling from God.

A spark in me is bursting into flame, fanned by the call of God in the poor of Honduras. I pray that I may be worthy of this grace.

I am amazed - not quite surprised, anymore - by the responses to my decision. People have come up to me asking about how to support the ministry financially. Others come up to inquire about ways to participate - by visiting, by helping come to teach English, etc.

This is a grace not for me but for the parish.

I have some concerns. I just hope we can quickly make clear the arrangements for raising funds and getting the funds to me through the diocese. But so many other aspects of this have, in time, come through. Thank God.

This time of waiting has also been teaching me that I must trust more in the Providence of God!

What a blessing!

All is grace.