Monday, January 18, 2010

More than threats

On Saturday, Salomon Orellana went in Padre Fausto Milla’s car to investigate a human rights violation in the municipality of Talgua, Lempira, which is just south of Santa Rosa.

On his way back, about 7:00 pm, near El Higuito in the municipality of Talgua, Salomon encountered several large rocks in the road which would scrape the undersides of a low car. Salomon slowed down to pass over them. Four shots were fired and one hit a rear window of the vehicle. Salomon fled the car to seek refuge in a nearby house. He escaped unharmed.

Salomon Orellana and Misael Cárcamo had received identical death threats by text messages to their cell phones a week ago after the Saturday morning radio program “Dando en el clavo – hitting the nail on the head” on the diocesan radio station. The message read: "U 2 SOB troublemakers from what is left of the resistance prepare yourselves for your shrouds." [“Uds dos hdp agitadores de lo que queda de la resistencia vayan alistando la mortaja”]

Both Salomon and Misael cooperate with the Santa Rosa diocesan station and with the diocesan Caritas office.

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